Post a comment regarding Mike or to his family

Name: Brian R. McIntyre
Comment: My thoughts and prayers are with Mike's family. Don't ever lose the hope and faith you have. We will all keep searching for Mike no matter what. I will personally keep thinking of Mike and a number of other missing folks as I do every night before bed. I think someone in Mike's area knows exactly what happened to him and perhaps where he is. They may not even know that they know or they may be afraid to come forward. My hope is that they will come forward soon and give you some answers. My heart is with you always Mike and Mike's family. Keep the faith and may God bless you all. Cheers - BRMc in Helena, Montana.

Name: Lin
Comment: My heart hurts for Mike's family. Have faith that answers will come your way. Never stop asking questions, with questions come answers x

Name: cindi
Comment: Our prayers are with your family. We pray for strength and comfort to all of you. We pray for speedy information on your loved one. ♫ Blessings

Name: jim mckelvey
Comment: just want you to know im still praying for you all

Name: George and Dawn DeBaby
Comment: On this fourth year of our new journey we take the time to show or love. You will never be alone and think of you everyday.

Name: Kandie
Comment: I seen Mikes billboard today for the first time in Maryville. My prayers are with Mike and his family. May God be with you all.

Name: Keith
Comment: Your family and Mike is in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you find Mike alive and well soon.

Name: Pat
Comment: Thank you for the special bracelet that you gave me today to wear on behalf of your missing loved one. I work at several airports and you never know when or where some pertinent information might be obtained. I pray for all of efforts.

Name: jford
Comment: Family, I had several opportunities to work with Mike on church projects. It was always a joy to work with him. May God give your hearts peace in these difficult times.

Name: Nanci
Comment: OMG I am so sorry for your loss. Mike seems to be a very "Special" person in all of your lives and I know one day you will get the answer to all the questions. Please keep the faith.

Name: Bj
Comment: My prayers to the family may your prayers be answered. Please contact me with a email.

Name: Lisa Achilli
Comment: I don't know your family personally, but my thoughts and prayers are with you for the safe return of your loved one. Lisa from Niagara Falls, NY.

Name: Marge Svoboda
Comment: Dear Family Our prayers and best wishes are with you Friends from Crystal Minnesota

Name: David Lohr
Comment: Your family is in my thoughts.

Name: Lori
Comment: I live in New York and just read the article about Mike Hearon on Aol. My thoughts and prayer are with Mike's family.

Name: Pauline
Comment: I would like to extend my heart felt prayers to the Hearon family with the hope that Mike will be found and no harm has come to him. I've never experienced the disappearance of a loved one, but I do understand the pain and helplessness this family must feel. I pray that the answers will come as to his whereabouts and I hope he will return safely back to those who love him.

Name: Debra
Comment: I came across one of the articles about Mike. He seems like a very nice, regular guy. I know his sons must be hurting. I hope he is soon found.

Name: donna whitener
Comment: I accidently came across your site. My prayers are with the family and friends and my hopes are that you will be able to bring him home.

Name: Sarah
Comment: I read this story about Mike on aol news. I pray your family finds peace with this! It is so sad.

Name: vickie
Comment: keep the hope , keep in my prayers

Name: Leslie Berner
Comment: I live in Franklin, TN and have not even heard this story until now! Unbelievable! I don't know Mike or the family but this is heartbreaking. My prayers are with you and I hope he's found!

Name: Pam
Comment: There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about Mike and the impact that this is on his family. Mike is a great person and was always a great friend to me. I pray each and every day that somehow, somewhwere he will come walking up and pop that famous Mike Hearon smile and say "Hey!" and this pain will forever be gone from his families hearts. All of your are in my thoughts and prayers each every day.

Name: Kim Kennedy(formerly thompson)
Comment: I am praying for the entire Hearon family. My dad, David Thompson,and grandfather, Perry, and uncle Michael, worked for Mike for a long time. This is heartbreaking...but there is still hope so I'm gonna keep on praying...

Name: Steve & Marjorie Senters
Comment: Our payers are with you and your family.God is able to do above and beyond what we can ask!!!

Name: Bobby Parks
Comment: As Building Official for the City of Maryville I had the preasure to know Mike both professional and personally.You could believe what he told you,and I think of him as a friend. Matt and Andy, he was very proud of you both. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Name: Jason Thompson
Comment: Jamie: Alisha, Baine, and I are thinking of you and Matt's family. JBT

Name: Marsha Swanson (Graham)
Comment: We will lift all of you up in our prayers. Please let us know if we can help any at all.

Name: Mike and Marlena Cummings
Comment: I didn't know Mike or his family but we keep each and all of you in our daily thoughts and prayers. I hope he finds his way home soon, safe and happy.

Name: Karla and Kevin
Comment: I think of you all daily!!! We are praying for :)

Name: Lea Anne
Comment: I cannot imagine the heartache and worry that your family is enduring. I have you in my prayers that answers will be forthcoming. I'm routing the flier to my network of friends worldwide.

Name: Ernie Proffitt and Mary
Comment: Matt and Jamie, Andy and Kaycee, you are in our thoughts and prayers. We think of Mike daily and miss him so much. He was such a big part of our lives. Hoping we will find something soon. Our love and prayers to you all.

Name: wanda and "shad" boring
Comment: We long to hear the familar "Hello there Shad" when we would meet you in town. Still clutching to God's word and believing in him that you will come home. We love you all and pray and think of you often.

Name: Melissa and Lance
Comment: Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family everyday.

Name: shelia
Comment: to mike sons.. i miss seeing michael around and waving to him everyday, he was a highlight to my workday!! he seemed like a very special person to know ..i miss him alot..i pray that you find peace.....[]

Name: Yellowribbon
Comment: I have a cousin Stella who has been missing since 2005. She lived with our Aunts in the Los Angeles area. I think of Stella and Mike everyday. I hope that something turns up for both of our loved ones very soon.

Name: Jennifer Myers
Comment: I didn't know Mike, but I know Matt and Andy, and by knowing them I know Mike must be a great guy. I am praying for your family!

Name: snowme
Comment: Just wanted to let the family know that there are many "out here" on the net that are concerned & praying for Michael and his family. I have shared your website with others at another website called Websleuths. There is a forum there dedicated to Michael and any news we have found. Praying.

Name: Jessica
Comment: I work with Kacie I just want to let you all know I continue to pray for you and your family. It's hard to just stand and wait but God is in control and waiting is all we can do. Put your trust in him.

Name: Becky & Dewayne Holloway
Comment: Dewayne and Mike have known each other for several years and I met Mike through Dewayne about 10 years ago. I just wanted to let the family know that Mike and his entire family are in our prayers. If we can ever do anything to help with the search or in any other way please let us know. We pray that he will be found soon.

Name: Andy Hearon
Comment: Just wanted to let everyone know we are very grateful for all the prayers and support that have been shown from so many people throughout this whole ordeal. Kacie and I would also like to thank Andrew and Julie for the time & effort you all have devoted to the website and facebook group. It really means the world to us! Please keep praying for closure, and that something good might come out of all this. Thank you all SO MUCH!

Name: kayla
Comment: Mike is one of my good friendds cousins, so please pray for him!!!

Name: Fred G. Manning
Comment: Our thoughts and prayers are with all the family....

Name: Sherry L. Clower
Comment: You are all in my prayers.

Name: Allison Reagan
Comment: All of you are in my daily thoughts and prayers.

Name: Cristy DeBaby Blanding
Comment: I am always thinking about your family and praying that Mike comes home.

Name: Vita & Dan Lovett
Comment: Each and every day Mike and his family are in our prayers and thoughts. Sending all our love.xoxox

Name: Emily and Joel
Comment: Matt and Jamey, we love you both and pray for you often. Whatever we can do to help Mike and your families, we will. Take care and stay strong.

Name: Gary and Martha
Comment: You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

Name:Andrew and Julie
Comment:Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys always!!

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